The Competition
The Sir David Levene Essay Prize is open to all students currently in Years 12 and 13 in any secondary school in New Zealand.
It is designed to give students the chance to develop and showcase their independent study and writing skills. By creating this opportunity for students to explore aspects of New Zealand society,
we hope to encourage a more cohesive community and one that respects diversity.
Entrants are invited to submit an essay, in response to the set question, which should be no longer than 2,000 words (excluding references).
The questions may be approached from any perspective the student chooses.
All sources must be appropriately acknowledged and cited, and a bibliography (including websites consulted) should be attached, although this is excluded from the word count.
Each essay must be sole-authored.
There are various ways to approach the question and we encourage applicants to think creatively.
Good essays will present a clear and concise argument using specific examples, but beyond this, there is room to explore in any way you please.
The New Zealand Herald will publish the first prize-winning essay. The top three essays will be published on this site and the winners will be invited to a prize-giving.
Submission Deadline: 5 pm, 31 August 2024
2nd & 3rd Place
$2,500 each

Essay Submission Deadline